Learn Many Ways to Earn a Living with Internet Marketing
The exeptional value of The IMmentor Programme by Iain Higgins is how it shows you a variety of ways of earning a living on Internet. And this is done by a successful person in the Internet world.
Iain has been working from home for more than 4 years, and have learnt many techniques that over time increase your chances of success, through diversification. The IMmentor Programme will teach you all of them, over a period of 18 months, step by step.
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And Iain Higgins has the proof to show you. Just watch the videos and you`ll realized the true value of the course, as he shows you his revenues. Internet Marketing IS the way to earn a living on Internet, and The IMmentor Programme IS the way to develope the skills necessary.
The IMmentor Programme , although seemingly hyped on the surface, is a legitimate program that will help you generate the income you desire if you do the work and have faith in yourself.
What you get with The IMmentor System :
- 18 monthly module ebooks in a simple, step-by-step format
- 6 modules in a downloadable video format
- Free one-on-one support from Iain himself
- Multiple bonus modules valued in the hundreds of dollars
If you are not satisfied, The IMmentor Programme has an 8-week money-back guarantee and you can keep all of the bonuses.
What exactly is "The IMmentor Programme?"
The IMmentor System Course is a series of monthly modules that walk you step by step into setting up your home based internet business. Each month your Module will enable you to place another brick in the building of your internet business. You will be able to learn at your own pace alongside your current commitments. Each skill will be learned in the correct order.
Each month you will download the next Module. This will be a workbook and in some cases also a video tutorial. Each workbook explains exactly in simple terms what to do and how to do it. During that month you will work through that book on your own, but have full access to Iain Higgins himself helping you along the way. If you feel you are falling behind or struggling Iain will drive you onwards. Each Module in my opinion though is so simple even a child could follow it. It is important to do it this way so that you learn each skill correctly rather than if you receive the whole package and you would skip ahead not building your business correctly along the way.
What exactly will you get from the programme?
If Iain is successful in training you, YOU will benefit long term because you both will work together on future projects generating large sums of money in a very short space of time. These projects are called Joint Venture's and if you build your own network of Joint Venture partners who work the same as you, you cannot fail to generate more income.
You may have been trying to make a go of making a living online and hit a few barriers along the way. The truth is life on the internet and making a living is very difficult. New methods are launched frequently,and it is difficult to remain focused on one project and stay on course if you are unsure what you are doing.
You have an opportunity to change that for yourself today. A savvy internet mentor who usually lays low is opening up his mentoring course again: The IMmentor System
Iain launched this course for 12 people in 2005, after he bet his brother that he could train random people to make 5 figure monthly incomes. 10 out of the 12 made it. (2 dropped out as they couldn't be bothered).
Iain has not been heard from since that project but contacted me this morning to tell me he is relaunching the programme for 2007. He himself makes $15,000 or more every month from marketing, but he loves the challenge. I don't know how many people he will take on but I suggest you get over there quick
Click here to learn more about IMmentor
The IMmentor System Course is module based and will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to build a successful business. This is not some e-book that will sit on your hard drive. This will be like having a top internet marketer over your shoulder. The course is packed with content, both written and video tutorials, and you get full email access to Iain ( he has told me he will even provide phone help if you are really struggling).
When I discussed the course with Iain he was so excited about how much better the course is compared to his first one.
Very rarely do opportunities like this come along and there will be nothing left out. I cannot believe the price for such a comprehensive course either.
Trust me you want to jump on this quickly, it won't be long before he slumps back into hiding and your chance has gone.
Click here and Start a New Life with IMmentor NOW
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Iain Higgins launches a program that takes you in a period of 18 months to wealth, a way to become highly profitable using different Internet techniques to work from home. All there is to learn in only one approachable and affordable course.
Iain Higgins launches new program to develop Joint Venture Internet Marketing Strategies. In 2005 he proved his program works, and now he releases his updated system in a step by step course delivered over 18 months.
Earning a living on Internet is becoming harder and harder, especially for new people that want to work from home. Internet Marketing is the answer, focused on a Niche Market.
These entrepreneurs have to invest a lot of time and money finding out what really work from all sorts of courses, and e-books that are available nowadays.
IMMentor is the new course that shows, in an easy to follow way, how to make a living working from home.
A letter sent by Iain
Sorry it has been a while. I have been extremely busy with other projects. It is important to
keep on top of things and then I found out I had a deformed heart (nice)
so took myself off fishing for a while.
Following numerous emails I have changed the programme slightly
and decided to take on 20 more people and advertise the bonuses.
It seems people were a bit unsure exactly what they were getting
so everything is laid out there for you.
Now there is also proof of me taking in over $20,000 in 12 days
this month. I don't show you this to boast, I show you to make
you understand the power of the system.
So How did I get here? I made a decision to and today I am going to
explain the tasks I went through to build a 5 figure monthly income.
Firstly I made a concerted decision that I wanted to work from home.
Just as a person starting out decides what they want to do in life, be it a solicitor or doctor, teacher or bricklayer, I decided I no longer wanted a boss or to have to travel to work 5 or 6 days a week.
I also decided I wanted to be successful. That sounds easy doesn't it.
What is successful? It certainly is not earning 50 or 60 k a year in
a middle management job. That is not success that is hard work and
probably involves a personality change to appease those senior to you.
I certainly know when I was working that I had to be a different person in front of my manager because he was such a jack ass.
That is not success. Success is having freedom. Of course money makes it easier but trust me you cannot beat freedom at any price.
Having made those two decisions - Work from home, be successful!- I still had no idea what I was going to do. I set about finding someone who was successful, pestering them and asking them the skills involved.
Working from home is not that difficult but it requires many different skills. One of the hardest is staying focused and motivated.
It is easy to get distracted and not do the daily tasks that are required to make your new life a success.
So I now set about setting myself out daily tasks that I must complete before the fun begins, be it promoting my own products or affiliate program or dealing with emails from clients of the IMmentor programme.
For you, you need to identify where you wish to be in a certain period of time, be it, 1 month, 1 year, 5 years.
You then need to identify the tasks required to get to those points.
Finally you need to decide how you are going to accomplish those tasks.
By that last sentence I mean, what learning will you have to go through to achieve the task that will enable you to achieve your goal.
I wanted to be succesful online as I knew others were.
I had no idea how to build websites, or adwords or traffic or any of the other skills I have now. All I knew was that there was money to be made online and I needed to learn how to do it.
I did not rush out and buy ebooks as I had chased numerous opportunities online from gambling to MLM and none had worked.
I sat down and planned my business. What interested me, what skill did I need and who could teach me that skill.
I then learned them in order. All successful people learn this way.
Too often people dive in and start a project without the foundations
the project fails and they are left dejected and ultimately give up.
A surgeon does not get straight into a patient with his scalpel. He is taught basic doctoring skills before he gets anywhere near that stage.
If you sit and set out the basics of where you want to be your
success will be almost guaranteed and a lot quicker.
So for my business what skills did I need.
Identifying Business Opportunities
Identifying customers and products
Website development
Traffic Generation,
I then went and found who did these skills well and learned to do them BETTER.
Do not settle for second best. It is an old adage, you only get one
life so make the best of it. The interent is one huge bowl of
money waiting to be dipped into. If you do things well you earn money you can only dream of. You need the skills first though to get your fingers in the bowl at all.
The IMmentor programme will teach you everything you need to know
about the internet, over a period of time.
You could learn the secrets to over $20,000 in 12 days.
Well I have talked a lot about setting up a business having your business
ideas and getting the jobs done. All this relates to things that you can do
that will get your business off the ground.
Today I am going to tell you the one reason that people fail on the
Yes everyday more and more people will turn their hand to earning money
working from home. It is a great living and very lucrative. But so
many fail.
Now if you go on any forum and ask the biggest reason why people
fail you will get told that it is because people do not
that in itself is very true. As I stated in part one taking action in
all walks of life is imperative. We can all look back and think if only..
be it in from our school years, or loved ones, or work. We will
always have regrets so yes taking action is important because
that gets you started.
There are plenty of people out there who have taken action and are
still failing. They can build websites, get traffic, maybe make the
odd sale. But they are not making that consistent 5 figure income
and I know why.
Yes that is the reason why they fail. And I don't mean lack of them.
I had a session only yesterday with someone who generates lots of
visitors but sells nothing.
Customers put the money in your pocket and you have to work for them.
The basic structure of making money online is simple,
MATCH THE TWO TOGETHER (using a website)
However people firstly have no idea about the market they find because
they leap into a market too quickly.
The thought process goes a little like this
" Ok ok I have to find a market yes, yes gambling that will be good"
"Right I need a product. Ok I will make a product on poker"
Off they go and spend a few days writing a poker e book.
"Ok I need a site, I need this on it and that on it yes great"
How many times have I used the word "I" in that short mental conversation?
That is what people do, at no time was the customer thought of or
Your market has to be packed with customers itching to spend.
Your product has to be not what you think is good but what a customer
will buy. I will give you an offline example. I ran a golf shop at a golf club
the average member age was 59. I let my assistant, who was 22, as a project
buy the clothing for one season. He bought all the trendy manufacturers
Ralph Lauren, Lindhberg, Oscar Jacobson, Nike.
When I asked him why we had no traditional golf brands such as Lyle &
Scott or Glenmuir he looked at me aghast.
He bought for himself, what he liked, he paid no attention to the customer.
Now if you look at big corporations they are (as much as they seem not)
customer orientated. They stock products the customer wants to buy
and lay them out in such a way that psychologically as a customer
you are compelled to buy. How many have you picked up a tube of sweets
whilst waiting at a supermarket checkout - See!
So whatever walk of life you decide to go into. Work for yourself and
think of your CUSTOMER.
This is possibly my best trait. I look after every customer as if they are
a friend.
Internet Marketing and the Golfer Mentality
As a qualified PGA golf professional who taught golf for 15 years before injury and moved into Internet Marketing as a career, I was amazed to see the striking similarities between the approaches of people to two significantly different activities. I now focus on teaching IM and apply very similar principles to my Internet Marketing clients as I used to my golf students.
The hunger of people for quick fix solutions has always been something that has intrigued me. I look at society and see successful people and admire the work that has gone into them achieving their goals, no matter what field they are in. The top Doctor's and Lawyers of any age have spent years learning their trade. Sportsmen such as Tiger Woods work at incredibly high level on their sport to stay at the top. Celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, achieve their status through incredible application and work ethics.
It is clear that a high percentage of society look at these people and want similar lifestyles but without an idea of the work involved to see the finished product that we see in our operating theatres, sports arenas, courtrooms and tv screens. The two fields I work in are no different.
Both golf and Internet Marketing allow for the quick fix mindset to take over and ruin our hopes of improvement. both industries are susceptible to sensationalist headlines, designed to draw in consumers.
In Golf, magazines will boast headlines such as "Break 80 in 7 days" or "Hit it 40 yards longer with Tigers method" Equipment manufacturers will boast that their ball, clubs even golf shoes will have you hitting the ball longer and straighter than ever before.
In Internet Marketing similar headlines would be "Earn $20,000 a month in just two hours a day at your PC" or "Warning: You're about to discover the affiliate secrets that the gurus have been keeping from you. The methods the real super affiliates use to make $500 per day, finally revealed by the one guy they trusted to keep quiet" as one particular ebook sales page boasted. The writers of the copy know exactly what buttons to press and which mindset they are tapping into.
The "desperation" mindset, "the easy life" mindset and the "all I have to do is buy the product/magazine/ebook and I am set for life" mindset.
As anyone following this route will know it generally ends in disappointment, and then giving up.
How do I know?
When my career in golf was ended with a back injury, I slipped into the desperation mindset, all of a sudden I was panicing where the money would come from. I found the wonderful tool of the internet, and the sensational headlines of instant riches had me reaching for my credit card. $2000 later I had about 50 ebooks, I had read about 10 and had not made a dime.
Every day I had a new Internet Marketing thought that was going to make me rich, then the next ebook arrived and I was away on something new.
Then as I opened a credit card bill, which had 15 internet marketing products on it, the thought dawned on me that I was no different as a newcomer to Internet Marketing and trying to make money online, than the golf students I had taught for years.
Day after day I would stand on the range and listen to golfers tales of woe. They had watched every DVD, read every magazine, listened to the guys on the TV, spent $3000 on the latest equipment, BUT STILL COULD NOT break 100.
I used to spend my first 40 minute session with such customers, not hitting a golf ball, but by clarifying the thought process that led them to believe that a magazine article could instantly improve them, or a new driver would go 50 yards further than the one they used last week. I used to explain that all good golfers had one thing in common, good sound fundamentals, aim, grip , posture etc. A GOOD SET UP, which enabled them to then swing the club correctly, thus executing the intended shot.
I needed to apply the same techniques to my Internet Marketing business. Of course there is no book that will instantly make me rich, I was chasing around like the golfer, who has a new swing thought every day, I had a new IM idea every day.
In golf it is proven that a step by step plan through the set up will lead to a LONG LASTING more consistent technique. I would put my students on a minimum six week course, in which I banned them from reading, books, magazines and watching DVD's. I would give them one element of the SET UP such as AIM and that was there weeks practice. Once they had mastered that element ONLY then would we move onto the next project. What happened? I built a "stable" of successful clients and had a record of players who consistently improved and practiced better.
The process I went through in IM was exactly the same. First I had to visualise my "shot". What was it that I was trying to build, for the LONG TERM. Once that was identified which skills did I need to execute it. There are numerous aspects to the SET UP of a successful Internet Marketing business, from building websites, copy writing, SEO, advertising, product selection, the list is extensive. Each skill needs to be learned, and then applied, learn 5 or 6 skills you have a SET UP. Just like golf you have it for life!
There is a $10,000 dollar a month income to be made, but it will not fall in your lap. To succeed takes work. If you have the golfer mentality in you, try and recognise it, not only will your game improve your life will to.
Next time - Step by Step through the IM set up.
About The Author
Iain Higgins, is an active member of the Professional Golfers Association who still teaches golf today. His golf coaching was limited by injury so he then applied his techniques of golf coaching to IM. Having made $500,000 in two years he turned to training others in Internet Marketing. In 2005 he took 12 students through his Immentor programme and 10 now earn 5 figure monthly incomes.
His passion for coaching and will for his students to succeed is second to none
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